Email Marketing vs. Direct Mail: What you Need to Know

Laura Landmann

Laura Landmann About The Author

November 19, 2020 at 3:00 PM

Email Marketing vs. Direct Mail: What you Need to Know

In order to make the best choices about your marketing, you need to understand the distinctions between mediums. What methods will work best for marketing your business? Your marketing needs may change based on your industry, your budget, and even your marketing plan. Both email and direct mail advertising can offer several advantages. A look at the difference between the two can help you generate the best possible return on your marketing investment.

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1. Email Has High ROI

Email marketing can, in some cases, generate as much as $38 for every $1 spent. While your ROI will vary based on your industry, your target audience, and the emails you send out, you can continue to expect a high return on your email marketing investment. 

2. Email Helps Generate Website Traffic

Emails can increase the odds that a consumer will click through to visit your website. If you send out emails that contain information about your products, consumers may decide that they want to learn more about those products or that they want to make a purchase. Sale announcements, on the other hand, can help generate excitement and, therefore, higher levels of traffic. 

3. Direct Mail Has a Chance of Getting Discarded

While as much as 90% of direct mail may get opened, that does not necessarily mean that consumers will take action based on that mail. Many of them will toss direct mail ads straight in the trash when they walk in the house. Others will set those ads to the side, where they might intend to take action later, but never get around to it. Consumers who receive emails, on the other hand, can take action immediately, directly from their devices.  

4. Email Can Retarget Past Customers

Through email marketing, you can connect directly with past customers. They have shopped with your business before, which means that they're more likely to shop with you again. When you remind them about what you have to offer, they're more likely to become a repeat customer. 

5. Direct Mail Can Be Sent to Large Groups

Direct mail is a great way to cast a wide net to reach your potential audience. You can select specific neighborhoods and audiences based on geographic location. However, the more people you send direct mailings out to, the more expensive your campaign can grow, and the faster you may exceed your marketing budget.

6. Email Allows Personalized Content

Through segmentation and personalization, you can create a deeper connection with your target audience. Emails can be sent that include your target's name and geographic location. You can also send out emails that include the specific products and services that are most likely to appeal to specific consumers. 

7. Direct Mail is More Promotional

Direct mail is designed specifically to encourage consumers to make a purchase. You usually have only a few seconds for a consumer to read a direct mailing before they toss it aside. You will need to issue an offer or show a product that will help encourage consumer interest. Email, on the other hand, can prove more informational. You can use it to help build a relationship with your audience.  

8. Email Builds Credibility and Trust

Through your emails, you can help show consumers exactly what you have to offer and why they should trust you. You can show your customers that you are who you say you are and that you'll follow up. You can also provide them with valuable information that will help you establish expertise in your industry. 

9. Direct Mail Doesn't Prompt Much Emotion

Most people don't feel a deep emotional connection to direct mailings. Through email, on the other hand, you can evoke emotion and create a deeper reaction in your customers. You can use your emails to tell a story or showcase photos of your business, who you are, and what you can accomplish. Over time, emails can help establish your brand story and explain why consumers should trust you. 

10. Email is Cost-Effective Marketing

As a marketer, you want to know that you're spending your marketing dollars wisely--and email certainly delivers. With its high overall ROI and ability to reach a wide number of people relatively inexpensively, email can prove highly cost-effective. 

When marketing your business, it's important to choose the strategies and tactics that are most likely to help you achieve your goals. Often, including email marketing in your overall strategy can help improve your reach, increase your ROI, and increase brand recognition. When you work with a media partner, you will get help creating stunning emails that will better appeal to your target audience. Your media partner can also provide you with access to their email list, which can help expand your reach.

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